In “Delicate,” Taylor displayed her distinct dancing technique with an aura of spontaneity. The singer of “Lavender Haze” dazzled the audience with her carefree spirit as...
The BLACKPINK member was extremely excited and thanked her seniors when receiving the album. The female idol even shared that she was “prepared to cry” when...
Joe Alwyn is living his life amid Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s new relationship The British actor, who was in a relationship with Swift from 2017...
New footage has emerged showing Travis Kelce kissing Taylor Swift on the shoulder as the couple enjoyed a night out together in Las Vegas. The Chiefs...
With so many (like so many) rules that the Royal Family has to follow, it can be hard to keep track of them all. But, one...
If you thought Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce couldn’t get any cuter, their latest date-night looks have the couple’s cute-o-meter going through the roof. And they...
In the tangled web of celebrity connections, a confidant, who bridges the worlds of Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian, emerged from the shadows with a tale...
Enough of the Swift scourge! MAUREEN CALLAHAN slams Taylor as a money-grabbing, narcissistic, wannabe poetess and says this intellectually stunted, clichéd new album commits the worst...
Taylor Swift ‘likes’ shady Instagram post of ex Joe Alwyn as dead Hunger Games tribute after release of breakup album The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift...
A legendary Houston Oilers player has tragically taken his last breath on planet Earth. On Friday, the Cincinnati Bengals announced that former Houston Oilers running back...